Jianli electronic can provide the world's most types of EMC/EMI filter and rectifier. With a comprehensive engineering support, standardized and customized solutions according to Jianli, will help cus
One of the main aspects of power is its quality and stability, collectively referred to as power quality. Key functions and system applied to the device requires a high quality electric power to meet
Magnetic component is an important part of power electronic engineering. Inductors and transformers are often the key to optimizing the system to achieve maximum energy output (such as photovoltaic in
Jianli power filter according to customer requirements, to meet the IEC939-1, IEC939-2 and EN133000 respectively, EN133200, UL1283, CSA, C22.2No.8, GB/T15287, GB/T15288, VDE0565-3.
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Jiangsu Jianli Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.